Our Bloopers:
Hi, I'm Janesha and I am currently enrolled in the AICE Media Studies program. This blog will be used document what I am learning in this class and the steps on how I successfully complete my portfolio.
Behind The Scene of Inner Turmoil
During filming and producing our opening we faced a couple problems but filming and producing our filming has been fun so far. It did take a couple tries to get the shots that we thought were best for our final productions. We have a couple behind the scene and blooper clips from filming.
Final Production
WE'RE FINALLY DONE!!! This is our final opening scene. We made sure to try our best to come out with the best results. Please enjoy watc...

We can all agree that movies are quite complex even the ones that are short and silent. And none of us wants to watch the movie to actual...
Script writing other wise known as screenwriting is the process of writing you story in a screenplay medium. Screenwriting is used to help a...