
Mis en scene is the stage design and arrangement of actors in scenes for a theatre or film production, both in visuals arts through story boarding, visual theme, cinematography, and in narrative story telling through direction. In other words to put in scene.

Simple questions that can help you identify mis en scene:

  • Is the lighting natural or stylized?
  • Is the lighting bright or dim?
  • Is the lighting bright or dim?
  • What props are being used
  • How is the character dressed?
Asking yourself simple questions about the characters hair, clothes build, body language or whats the setting? What time is it? Identifying mis en scene is super simple because its technically just describing what you see.

Analyzing Mis en scene:
  • Write what you see using as many adjectives as possible without interpreting it.
  • Consider the purpose of the scene.
  • Why does that scene look like that and what is the purpose.
  • Consider the alternative, what if the scene didn't look like that
Mise-en-scene Photography Project:
When doing this project we first thought about what vibe we wanted tot give off. After thinking we decided we want to demonstrate a kind of scary eerie vibe. To portray this vibe a lot was put into it.

We decided red lighting that is not to dark but not to bright would give off a sense of danger and slight urgency to the viewer. To  do this we place the doll under a desk in its darkest corner then put red construction paper over a phone's flashlight.

We used a close up shot to show the dolls expression because it seems like the doll is staring into the viewers soul giving off a more sociopathic vibe.

We the used make up to create scars and facial and create a scary look on the doll. We then used red food coloring as blood and added it to the mouth to show the viewer that the doll is not only scary look but is also supposed to seem like a killer doll. Give a sense of fear to the viewer.

Through lighting, attire, props, and much more we were able to give off the scary sociopathic killer doll we were going for.

Final Production

WE'RE FINALLY DONE!!! This is our final opening scene. We made sure to try our best to come out with the best results. Please enjoy watc...