Hi, I'm Janesha and I am currently enrolled in the AICE Media Studies program. This blog will be used document what I am learning in this class and the steps on how I successfully complete my portfolio.
Music Video Project Process
Video Editing Softwares
Steps of Video Editing:
- plan- think about what you want to do and how you want to do it
- film project- the production phase, when you began filming
- import media- transporting the footage from the camera to the editing system
- organize media- what you'd like it to be called, and which shots you'd like to keep
- edit footage- incorporating shots into a film
- trim the footage- modifying the point at which two clips meet such that the transition from one shot to the next is as clean and invisible as possible
- add transitions- (cuts, dissolves, and wipes) each one produces a specific mood and serves a specific purpose.
- add titles- titles are there to provide information to your audience that they can't obtain any other way.
- add effects- effects take time to make look perfect. DONT ADD EFFECTS IF THE STORY ISN'T COMPLETE
- mix audio-when more than one sound is combined into one or more channel
- project "look"- as a final step before output, adjust color issues or enhance affective looks.
- save all of your media and export your project in case you ever need to re-edit it.
Clip champ Evaluation:
Wevideo Evaluation
Film Openings
Film openings are the scene that is supposed to captivate the viewer and make them want to watch the rest of the film. A lot goes of time and thought goes into these opening because essentially they are what determines whether the viewer will continue watching and enjoy or get bored by the first 2 minutes of the film.
Many techniques are used in film opening to make the viewer interested in what they're watching and what's to come.
- Technique 1- Enter the villain
- Technique 2- Enter the here (introduces main character)
- Technique 3- Establish Relationships (commonly used in dramas)
- Technique 4- Plot Catalyst (introducing key motivation)
- Technique 5- Follow the Genre (establishing tone and introduces main characters)
- Technique 6- Flip Genre/ Hybrid (flashback, flash forward, dream, metaphors, etc.)
- Prologues with and without voice overs- a scene that explains important backstory that took place before the film begins.
- Inciting Incidents- an event that sets the main character on the journey that will occupy them throughout the narrative
- day in the life- the opening scene of a film introduces the main character, and usually reveals their key strength and weakness. It also shows their life before the events of the film change it. (exciting and uneventful)
- cold open- sometimes called a teaser is a section of an episode thats shown before the opening credits.
- flash forward- starts with a scene in the present, then the rest of the movie takes a place in the past leasing to the opening moment.
- introduces the world- if it's a period piece, it's introduced in the first scene. If the world has a geography the viewer needs to know (even if it's just the halls of a high school), sometimes the first scene will deliberately disregard this information
- offers audiences a "before" picture to later compare with the "after"
- presents a "save the cat" moment for the protagonist, even if its very subtle
- tense and suspenseful (opening with a scene of conflict or danger can suck people into your story quickly)
- a surprise or big reversal. character isn't what she seems, character seems like their going to get what they want but then doesn't)
- sets the tone and genre of the film
- main character waking up in bed
- main character having breakfast with their family/ getting the kids off to school
- main character jogging
- a fake out( we think something serious is happening but it turns out to be a dream or a drill or a scene from a movie within the movie
- therapy appointment
- establishing setting- draws the audience in and gives them insight into where the film is set, clues about the plots (can be done with an establishing shot)
- from and audience perspective we get a sense of the authenticity and feel for the film, which all opening scene should obtain
- teaser- generates curiosity by raising so many questions, that makes it almost impossible to not continue watching
- tone- this unconsciously causes an expectation to form in the minds of viewers about how they should view a film
- character- begin setting up the main characters ( allows viewers to get to know the characters even without dialogue)
- backstory- character's relevant history prior to the start of the story (establishes and important context for the protagonist and the story to come while also being a large part of the narrative)
- introduce your protagonist as soon as possible
- make sure to communicate the genre and deliver the core requirement of that genre
- create conflict immediately because conflict is the building block of every scene regardless of the genre
Opening Scene: 3 Favorite Films
Gemini Man Opening Scene:
The opening scene is Henry completing one of his assigned mission as an assassin and as shown he seems bored of the job and finds no excitement or appeal to it like he used too. This scene contributes to the rest of the story by showing his facial expression even though there is little dialogue his facial expression gave off a lot of foreshadowing and information that would help us understand the rest of the movie.
Alita: Battle Angel Opening Scene:
Im sure that were not all familiar with the term cinematography but were a familiar with it on some aspects.Cinematography is the art of technology of motion-picture photography.A really important part of cinematography is camera shots and angles.
Various Shot Types:
- overshot- when a camera is directly above the action looking straight down
- high angle shot- position above the the subject looking down at the angle
- eye level angle shot- angle looking straight at the subject
- low angle shot- shot from a low angle towards the bottom of the subject looking up at the angle
- under shot- from under the subject looking straight up
- long shot- shows the subject from top to bottom
- full shot- fills the frame with the character
- medium shot- shows a little more detail of the subject and framing a subject from the waist up
- medium close up- frames the subject from the chest or shoulder up
- close up- fills 3/4 of the screen with the persons head or face
- tracking-when camera is following the subject
- panning-when camera is mounted on a tripod and moves horizontally(left to right)
- tilting-when camera is mounted on a tripod and moves vertically(up and down)
- dollying-any sort of moving platform that a camera is mounted on
- whip pan-turning quickly to look at something stimulating head movement
- zoom-a lens movement that changes the amount of space a subject take up in a frame
- reverse daily zoom-the combination of a zoom doly in or out
- crane or boom shot-combines tilt pans and movement in general
- steady cam or gamble- allow movement throughout a space with more versatility
- hand held cam- when camera operator is physically holding the camera and moving
- rack focus- doesn't move the camera it uses lens
- Is the lighting natural or stylized?
- Is the lighting bright or dim?
- Is the lighting bright or dim?
- What props are being used
- How is the character dressed?
- Write what you see using as many adjectives as possible without interpreting it.
- Consider the purpose of the scene.
- Why does that scene look like that and what is the purpose.
- Consider the alternative, what if the scene didn't look like that
Types Of Move/Film Genre
We can all agree that movies are quite complex even the ones that are short and silent. And none of us wants to watch the movie to actually figure out what it is. Most of us want to know beforehand so we know whether we'll like the film or not. This is where movie genres come in to play. Movie genres are categories that define a movie based on its narrative elements ( literary work that involves the retelling of a story).Having movies genres help watchers know what the over all movies is without watching it. For examples well known genres such as romantic comedy, horror, sci fi etc.
Horror Films:
- protagonist with a desire for justice
- antagonist with a grudge or some type of hatred
- basic witty teenage girl
- clueless person
- high angle and close up shots
Romantic Comedies:
Romantic comedies are lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas or a funny movie about a love story that ends happily. Trying to float along the message that true love will conquer any obstacle that gets in its way. Usually what happens within a rom-com is the mc goes back to their hometown and meets another person or someone from their past, starts falling in love, goes through a major conflict that keeps them apart, realizing they cant live without each other and find their ways back to each other kiss and live happily ever after, the end.
Common romcom characteristics/things:
- polar opposites
- comic friends
- happy endings
- the first time the characters meet is usually through and exaggerated argument
Crime Films:
- morally upright, smart and isolated protagonist that often has a personal interest in the case
- villain often morally or physically ugly
- clues and false clues that all lead to solving the case
Science Fictions:
- dystopia
- shadowy/mysterious villain
- lonely/determined hero
- group of friends-heroes
- the switch up/betrayer
- supernatural beings
- outer space
- advanced technology/society
- dull lighting
- closes up of characters
- mostly low and high angle shots
- contains props like alcohol, drugs, weapons etc.
- close knit locations
- the streets
- ghetto's
- worn out dirty clothes
Before researching and note taking on different film genres I didn't understand all that went into creating a film that fit in a specific genre. Such as to make a movie with a sci fi genre the more advanced technology along with middle shots. So with this research i came to understand more about the different film genres and the conventions they contain.
Final Production
WE'RE FINALLY DONE!!! This is our final opening scene. We made sure to try our best to come out with the best results. Please enjoy watc...

We can all agree that movies are quite complex even the ones that are short and silent. And none of us wants to watch the movie to actual...
Script writing other wise known as screenwriting is the process of writing you story in a screenplay medium. Screenwriting is used to help a...